Understanding triglycerides and the effect they have on your body can better enable you to deal with them. The fact is, that though these fats are an important energy source for your body, unusually high levels can indicate an unhealthy condition called Metabolic Syndrome, which can negatively impact your heart. Like cholesterol, elevated triglyceride levels can actually clog your arteries and potentially cause a heart attack or stroke. Being ever vigilant about your triglycerides could, therefore, save you from a world of trouble.
To control the build-up of triglycerides, reduce your intake of dairy products, sugar, and foods high in saturated fats like cheese, whole milk, and red meat. Simple sugars, especially fructose (a sugar often found in fruit), raise triglycerides, so avoid foods made with added sugar, including baked goods, candy, most breakfast cereals, flavored yogurt and ice cream. Be especially vigilant about words ending in ‘ose’ that you find on food labels. This would indicate that you need to stay away from dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, and sucrose, present in fruit juice concentrates, cane syrup, cane sugar, honey, malt sugar, molasses, and raw sugar.
Add fiber to your diet. Eliminate anything made with refined white flour and include whole grains like oats. Eat more salads, beans, brown rice, and quinoa, to get your daily dose of fiber.
While getting rid of unhealthy fats in your diet, add the healthy kind, as a little fat is necessary and good for your body. Choose natural foods that contain mono and polyunsaturated fats like avocados, walnuts, skinless chicken, canola oil and olive oil. Avoid trans fats, which are found in processed foods like French fries, crackers, cakes, chips, etc.
Add Omega-3 fats to your diet. They are good for your heart and can also help lower triglycerides. Eat more fish, while cutting out red meat. Fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines are high in Omega-3 fats. Other good sources of Omega-3s are walnuts, flaxseeds, spinach, kale, brussels sprouts and beans.
Cutting out or cutting down alcohol is absolutely essential, as for some people even small amounts of alcohol can raise triglyceride levels. Opt for sparkling water with a squeeze of lemon while out at a party, or ask for herbal tea without any sugar.
Lower your triglycerides further by cutting out sugary soft drinks and making a conscious effort to lose weight. Above all, monitor your health by getting a regular check-up that can help in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of high triglyceride levels.