Bedbound Patient Up And About Within 2 Days After Cutting-Edge Surgery

Bedbound Patient Up And About Within 2 Days After Cutting-Edge Surgery

A 64-year-old housebound patient suffering from sciatica from the past 5 years regained his health within just 2 days after a cutting-edge surgery at STAR Hospitals, Hyderabad.


Dr GPV Subbaiah, the Consultant Spine Surgeon at STAR Hospitals, said, “The patient is an RTC employee and was brought in with severe lower back pain. He had undergone a surgery previously, but it had only lead to a worsened condition. A new procedure known as Navigation Assisted Spine Surgery helped him recover quickly.”


Navigation Assisted Spine Surgery is much more advanced than a traditional spinal fusion operation. Due to 3D images, doctors are able to figure out the exact location for placing the implants. Dr GPV Subbaiah said that Navigation Assisted Surgery improved accuracy and safety by nearly 100 percent.